Is color science or art?

To A&E color is both science and art. Since we recognize that our customers' special colors may make the difference between best sellers and outlet stores, we make sure that the artistic renderings of our color specialists are always backed by science. To better understand color lets' start at the beginning.

What is color?

Color is the perception of reflected light, expressed as hue, lightness, and saturation. It is the visual sensation which helps one differentiate between otherwise similar objects. Hue is the gradation between colors which allows them to be classified as Red, Yellow, Green, or Blue or any of the intermediates between any two of the above contiguous pairs. Lightness is the dimension of the color of an object by which the object appears to reflect more or less of the incident light. Saturation is the degree of difference from a neutral gray for a color having the same lightness. Sometimes decribed as the purity of the color.

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Vardhman Yarns & Threads Ltd.
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M.G.Road Gurugram - 122001


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